WFSO Financial Support
Helping enhance the Willamette experience for all students!

Grade-level Grant Details
Up to $1000 per grade level
Up to $500 for PE, Music, Library, Special Education, Spanish, Speech and Preschool
Please discuss your request with Ms. Minor BEFORE applying. She will determine whether it is a cost the school/district can cover.
Grant proposals approved by Ms. Minor will be voted on by WFSO board members at a board meeting. Meetings are typically held the first Friday of every month at 8 AM. (We will do our best to provide a swift response.)
All applications must be received no later than May 15, 2025
No reimbursements will occur after June 13, 2025
Funds do not roll over to the next school year (If you have a larger project in mind, meet with board members to discuss options!)
Grade-level teams may submit multiple applications, until the maximum allocated funds is reached
Applications must be submitted and agreed to by each teacher in the group
Proposals must directly benefit as many students as possible and their educational experiences, including field trips
Once approved, you may submit a request for reimbursement which should include receipts OR provide the information necessary for the WFSO Treasurer to make the purchase(s)
Email receipts or supporting documentation to treasurer@willamettefso.org. You may also leave materials in the WFSO mailbox.