Oregon Battle of the Books
The Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) is a statewide voluntary reading motivation and comprehension program sponsored by the Oregon Association of School Libraries.
Battles begin with a Mock Battle for 4/5 on January 23, 2025
Battles are Thursdays, AFTER school.
Willamette Primary OBOB is supported by parent volunteers and WFSO. Our lead parent volunteer is Tym Rickards, obob@willamettefso.org. (Thank you, Tym!!)
​Unfamiliar with OBOB?
Watch this video
Check out this presentation from our school
Visit the official OBOB website
How Does It Work?
1. Team Up!
Create a group of 4 students. A 5th member is allowed but one member will rotate out of each battle. (Parents of group members are encouraged to reach out to each other to ensure that their child can make this commitment.)
Choose a team name.
One parent from the group will be the Parent Mentor. Parents will be actively involved in procuring books, setting up times for students to meet outside of school, and transporting them to meeting locations.
Each team member must be a Willamette Primary student.
3rd graders may only be on a team with other 3rd graders, but may be from different classes.*
4th + 5th graders may create teams that are a blend of the two grades or they can be in the same grade, and they may be from different classes.
If your child needs assistance in finding a team please contact Tym at OBOB@willamettefso.org or their teacher, and we will help them find a team.
2-4 students compete in each battle. Any team with 5 members may rotate one member out of each battle.
2. Register
Each student must fill out a permission slip.​
Each team must complete a registration form and name a Parent Mentor.​
Digital forms may be emailed to Tym, OBOB@willamettefso.org
Paper copies are available in the Willamette Primary Library and can be turned into the librarian.​​​
3. Read + Practice
Decide who will read each book.
Each third grader should read 2 to 4 books for their team.*
Each fourth and fifth grader should read 4 to 16 books for their team.
You can use this sample organizer to keep everyone updated on who is doing what. Parents may need to help with this step.
Read and take notes on characters, setting, main plot points, etc. See resources below.
Students must know the title and author, so utilize the pronunciation guide. ​
Students should meet weekly to discuss books, share notes and practice answering questions together.
Practice answering questions as a team. There will be one spokesperson per group.
4. Battles Begin
In mid-January, teams will meet at the Willamette Primary Library on Thursdays, AFTER SCHOOL, to participate in battles with other teams.
The goal is to have fun and read good books. Student and parent behavior should reflect sportsmanship and respect.
*3rd Grade Note: 3rd graders at Willamette Primary are in their own division and read the books that are more geared to their reading and maturity levels. They only compete against each other and do not proceed to regionals.
Book Lists/Important Tools
Practice Questions
Cedar Mill Library Practice Questions
Lake Oswego Library Practice Questions
Write Your Own OBOB Practice Questions
Kahoot Trivia - Practice as a group
Match the Author + Title​​​
Note Taking Tools
Team Organizer Spreadsheet (Make a copy of the spreadsheet and rename for use by your team.)
Important Dates
October 2024
16th Student permission slip due
16th Team registration due
November 2024
Read + Notes + Team practice (self-directed)
December 2024
Read + Notes + Team practice (self-directed)
January 2025
(Grades 4/5 in WPS Library + 3rd in Triceratops Room)
23rd Willamette Practice Battles (4th/5th only) @ 2:20 PM
30th Willamette Battles start @ 2:20 PM
February 2025
6th Willamette Battles start @ 2:20 PM
13th Willamette Battles start @ 2:20 PM
20th Willamette Battles start @ 2:20 PM
21st Willamette Final Battles @ 2:20 PM (FRIDAY)
March 2025
Regional Tournament (grades 4 + 5 only)
April 2025
12th, State Tournament at Chemeketa Community College, Salem
What is a battle?
16 questions are asked to 2 teams.
Each question is timed, if the question is answered incorrectly, the opposing team has the opportunity to correctly answer the question.
Once the battle is complete, points will be added to the team total.
There will be a final battle where all teams compete for the Champion of
the Battle of the Books. -
Winners of each school competition will go to a regional competition.
Where can I get the books​
The school library has multiple copies of each book.
Find a list of OBOB books in the school library.
Check in your classroom library.
West Linn Library
Books can be placed on hold and sent to West Linn from other libraries in the LINCC system.
Swap books with teammates who may own them. ​
Online libraries like Sora.
Powell’s Books, Amazon, Thriftbooks, Barnes and Noble…
Audio books count!
At the Battle​
Work together as a team. Listen to your teammates and use each other’s knowledge to answer questions correctly.
When you know an answer, speak up! Make sure your team hears your thoughts
If your team doesn’t know an answer, make a logical guess.
Keep all your team conversations fairly quiet. You don’t want other teams overhearing you.
The use of books and notes will not be allowed once the battle begins.
This competition is meant to be fun! So enjoy participating with your team and demonstrate good sportsmanship to other competitors.